Strength TogetHER 30 - My favorites

My Favorites

Lokopakar in collaboration with NIRI (Nexus Institute for Research and Innovation) has started a project to complete Strength TogetHER sessions at 10 public schools in Nepal. On July 22, 2022 Lokopakar conducted the seventh session of Strength TogetHER sessions for girls studying in Grade 9 and 10 at Shree Shaheed Shukra Secondary School on the topic “My Favorites”.

The participants wanted to share their favorite person and things in their life.

Our first participant shared that her favorite person in life is her father who currently lives in Saudi Arabia .He doesn’t say NO to anything that she says and is very supportive. And her favorite thing is Dog.

Our second participant added that her favorite person is her mother’s sister, aunt. She currently lives in Dubai and is her first best friend. She misses her. Furthermore, her favorite thing is a doll that her aunty gifted her which she has named as Chippo.

Another participant shared that her favorite person is her mother and brother. They both are very helpful. Her mother never treated her differently just because she was a daughter. Her mother is very supportive and her brother loves her a lot. And her favorite thing is trees as it gives shade and shelter to humans.

“My mother never discriminates between son and daughter. She is my favorite person, but I also have a brother who is my other favorite person. We fight sometimes but then I know he loves me more than he does to my elder sister”, shared another participant. She also added that her favorite thing is trees as trees give us shade during a hot summer day and wind. She says she has been appreciating these things more these days.

Another participant shared that her favorite person is her elder sister who is very supportive of what she does and always keeps her secret. And, her favorite thing is Dogs, as they are fun and cute. She says that she has a small dog  which she loves a lot even when he makes her angry sometimes. 

“My favorite person is my mother as she is very supportive, and she also encourages me to dance which is my favorite thing to do. I love dancing as I feel happy and free when I dance. I love both my mother and dancing”, shared another participant. 

Another participant shared that she fights with her sister very often, and she likes to tease her too. And, because of that her sister is her favorite person, and despite fighting and arguing, when her sister is not there, she feels like she misses something. And, she added that her favorite thing is Karate. She has been learning it since a very young age, and likes it alot. She feels healthy and happy when she is in her Karate Class. 

“My best friend is Gauri, and she is my favorite person as well. We have been best friends since before the lockdown and she corrects me when I do something wrong and also gives the best suggestions. She is very supportive and she also reminds me to study and scolds me when I don’t.”, shared another participant. And  she shared her favorite things as a favorite moment, when she goes to eat jhol momo and chatpate with her brother. 

Another participant shared that her favorite person is her mother since she takes care of her when she is sick and vice versa. Her favorite thing is a doll made by her mother when she was  a child. It is a cat and it’s a dear item to her. 

With this being the last but not the least session at Shaheed Shukra School, we all discussed what they remembered the most of the sessions. Playing games, interacting with friends and sharing happy and sad moments, thankful stories, small happiness, and the stories shared by the moderators were their favorites. 

While sharing they also mentioned that, they thought these sessions would be about rape, human trafficking but it was not. It was about sharing and that they loved the sessions even more. They said the sessions helped them be more confident, and helped them improve English speaking and public speaking as well. They added they felt nice and happy,  however they were scared at first, and then gradually it became easy to share.


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