Strength TogetHER 30- My Small Happiness

My Small Happiness

Lokopakar in collaboration with NIRI (Nexus Institute for Research and Innovation) has started a project to complete Strength TogetHER sessions at 10 public schools in Nepal. On July 15, 2022 Lokopakar conducted the second session of Strength TogetHER sessions for girls studying in Grade 9 and 10 at Shree Shaheed Shukra Secondary School on the topic “My Small Happiness”.

“When I help people I feel happy”. One day she was walking on the road, and she saw one person crying in the street. Everyone was ignoring him and he was being ignored by everyone. He said he had no money. She gave her the money and with that money they ate the food. This was one of the small happiness for her.

Our participant says she is a coke lover. And when her mother brings coke home she feels really happy. She is really happy to receive coke from her mother which is her small happiness.

Our next participants love nature and whenever it rains she likes it. She says looking at the rain is her small happiness that brings immense joy within her.

“When my mother bought a blue Kurtha in Dashain I felt really happy”, says one of our participants. She finds her small happiness when her mother buys clothes for her during random days as well as on occasions.

One of the participants' small happiness is playing karate.

“When I make food and my parents give delicious feedback I really feel happy” says one of our participants. Her parents feedback on the food she makes is her small happiness

As said by her friends, one of our participants feels happy when she cooks food and gets feedback from her family members. She recalls making Achar and vegetables for dinner which her parents say was YUMMY which made her really happy. Her small happiness is found when she gets complimented for the food she prepares.

“When I am able to help my mother in her work I feel really happy, and that is my small happiness”, says one of our participants.

Our next participants aim to be a dancer. She finds her small happiness when she goes out and performs her dance in front of others.

“When my brother went to Australia, I felt really happy. That was my small happiness because I felt like I owned the whole house for myself.” said one of our participants.

Our next participants feel happy when she goes to the village during festivals. When she meets people back in the village it is her small happiness.

Our participants said she went to Basantapur with her friends after school. They had Matka tea with her friends. After she came back from there she was scolded by her parents. She said even when she got scolded she felt happy. Spending time with friends is her small happiness.

When the participants help her mother and her mother says “ That is like my daughter” is her small happiness. She shares when she gets praised by her mother she feels really happy.

“When it rains and I have my umbrella with me it is my small happiness” says our participants with a big smile on her face.

Our participants tell how festive season is her favorite because it is when she can meet her mother who lives abroad. She shares moments with her mother which is her small happiness. It really makes her happy.

When her mother and brother came from abroad, which is her small happiness. She was so happy that she almost cried. Meeting with family has always been the source of happiness for her. 

“When I go to Basantapur with my mother, I ask her to buy something and when she gets it for me I feel happy,” says our participants. She loves going out with her mother and shopping with her the things she likes. For her small happiness is spending time with her mother and buying things.

“My small happiness is when I went to eat pizza with my mother”, says our next participants. She really likes pizza and it is always her happiest moment having pizza with her mother.

We were really happy by the end of the session listening to everyone’s small happiness. As we shared the small happiness we not only felt good sharing our happiness but also felt happy to hear other’s small happiness. Girls were able to connect with their friends and seniors as they got to know about each other. 


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