Strength TogetHER 30 - Regrets in Life


Regrets in Life

Lokopakar in collaboration with NIRI (Nexus Institute for Research and Innovation) has started a project to complete Strength TogetHER sessions at 10 public schools in Nepal. On July 20, 2022 Lokopakar conducted the fifth session of Strength TogetHER sessions for girls studying in Grade 9 and 10 at Shree Shaheed Shukra Secondary School on the topic “Untold Stories”.

The participants wanted to share their regrets that they have till date in the session.

Our 1st participant shared how her teacher had given them two sets to practice for the exams. She practiced very hard from Set 2 thinking the question would come from that in the exam. But unfortunately the question came from Set 1. She got very few marks in the exam and regretted a lot for not practicing that set.

Our next participant shared that it was her Mama’s new shop opening but she didn’t want to go. After returning home, her mother told how she met her sister, they visited Swayambhu and ate momo. It sounded really fun so she regretted not going that day.

Another participant shared that her grandmother bought her a black T-shirt and pants, but the T-shirt felt short. She had to go out with her friends so she wore a frock instead. But all her friends were wearing black t-shirts and pants. She regretted not wearing Black T-shirt and pants.

“During the math exam of BLE, in Grade 8, I spent more time solving the questions that I didn’t know. Because of this, I did not get enough time to solve the questions that I knew. I regretted that I should have solved the easy questions first,” shared one of our participants.

Our next participant shared that once she and her friend decided to go jogging every morning up to Kamalpokhari. They also called another friend but regretted calling her as she did not jog but used to come everyday. This discouraged the other two as well and they stopped jogging.

Another participant shared that everyone used to call her “Sano Babu” in the house. Once her aunties and uncle came from Denmark and Japan respectively. They had a small family gathering where she went with her mother. She was scared that her mother might call her Sano Babu and her mother did after a while. She felt very embarrassed and regretted going to that family gathering. She also said that she should have asked her mother earlier.

Another participant shared that she went out with her friend once and on the way she met a guy friend. They both talked half the way and went their own way. But her other friend went to our participant’s parents and said that she was roaming around with a boy. Her parents scolded her and she regretted being friends with her.

“I have a friend from my class and we used to be very close. She once came to my house and had snacks. When she left, my mother scolded me saying that her friend is a bad influence and I should not make such friends. I regretted taking her to my house,” shared one of our participants.

Next participant shared that one day her mother asked her to cook lunch.She kept the pressure cooker with rice on the gas and started using a mobile. She forgot that she had turned on the gas and the rice got burnt. She regretted using mobile phone at that time. She felt she should have been careful.

Another participant shared, “ I have a lot of guy friends. Once I was staying home because of my period cramps. When my guy friends texted me to go out I replied I have period cramps. They came in front of my door bringing chocolates and snacks. I was very happy. But later my mother scolded me for telling my address to them so I regretted it.”

Our final participant shared that she regrets when she doesn’t obey her mother. Her mother suggests she do something and things go wrong when she doesn’t follow them resulting in regret.

We concluded the session with a realization that regrets teach us a lesson every time and helps us not to repeat the same things which makes us feel bad. Participants also shared how big regrets now feel funny as time passes by. And they have started to learn to accept those regrets as well. 


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